08 September 2021

September Birthdays

Well, here it is over a week into September and I’m finally getting the birthdays posted.  The sad thing it that I had the list of people for this post ready by 26 August, and still, I’m late.  But let me tell you why.

The biggest reason for my tardiness (‘Funny, I don’t feel tardy’ ~ Hot For Teacher by Van Halen), is quite simple.  All during my Army medical career I often heard that pancreatitis is the worst pain you never want to have.  And I can now vouch for that.

Around noon on the 27th, while at my little part-time job, I had that pain come on quick and strong.  I have never in my life felt pain like that.  I ended up in the hospital for three nights.  Three long and sleepless nights.  But now all that is past, and I’m almost human again.  I guess I won’t be posting any whisky reviews…

But on to this month’s birthdays.  This time I’m not going to list wifey’s family separate from mine.  Everyone will be listed by date.  Again, this month is a short list, with only eight names.  As a reminder, no living persons are listed.  These are ancestors only.


The 2nd has two of great grandfathers.  First is a 7x GGF, John Henstridge, born 1677.  Also we have James Handcock, Sr., a 5x GGF, born in 1730.  John would have turned 334 years old, while James would be celebrating his 291st birthday.

Immediately following those two fine gentlemen is an 8x GGF of mine, Christoffel Davids, born 3 September 1616 making him 405.  But he is not the eldest on this list.

On the 16th of September 1812 wifey’s 3x GGF, Cemendus Overstreet was born.  This would be birthday number 209 for him.

Jumping back to my family, we have our eldest name for this month.  A 9th GGF, Broer Hendricksen Decker.  His 432nd birthday would have been on the 18th.   Giving him a birthyear of 1589!  I would estimate that my confidence in this gentleman as my ancestor is only about 65%.  He is still in need of much research.

Wifey’s closest ancestor for September in her maternal GM, Elouise Margaret Cuthbert, born 20 September 1896.  She is the youngest person on the list at 125.

The 26th  brings the last of my line and also my closest ancestor for September.  A 3x GGF, Daniel Turner.  At 225 years young, he was born in 1796.

Our final entry is wifey’s 3X GGM, Mary.  We have not been able to find Mary’s maiden name.  Her husband was John Alexander Cuthbert.  She was born 30 September about 1786, so 236 years of age.  This couple were the great-grandparents of Elouise Margaret Cuthbert, wifey’s maternal grandmother listed just above.

That’s all I have for this month.  What ancestors of yours are born this month?


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