31 October 2021

Birthdays for October and November

It's a "two-fer" - two months in one post

So here it is the last day of October 2021.   Here in America, we call it Halloween but back in the old country, or Scotland for my heritage it was Samhain, a great Celtic Pagan festival.

But I'm not here to talk candy, witches, ghouls, goblins, or your random all-American kid that is actually a psycho killer.  I'm here because it's time for the birthdays.  This month or should I say months, I purposely waited till the last day of October to post both October and November birthdays.  The reason for this is twofold; first next month is very busy as Thanksgiving consumes a very large part of my life because my birthday falls around that and it is the best family holiday of all of them.  And today October 31st is one of my most crazy uncles’ birthday's.  Now I don't normally include uncles in this list, but I have to this time.  Uncle Frank, as we knew him was a character to say the least.  I'll say more when I get to him in the list.

So as always, I'll start with wifey's family and first step way back on the 2nd of October was her maternal great grandmother Fanny Alice Barfield she would have been a whole 144 years old, having been born on 2 October 1877.

Then on the 13th of October we have one of those special event days four we have two of wifey’s fourth great grandparents a husband and wife born on the same day Christeana Jacoby would have been 235 years old and her husband Thomas Rule would have been 234 years old.  Christeana was born in 1786, and Thomas in 1787.

Then we jump to the 16th of October, and we find Nathan Louis Barfield, wifey’s second great grandfather, he was born in 1842 making this his 179th birthday.  Wait, did we just say Barfield two paragraphs ago?  Why, yes, we did – that was Fanny Alice his daughter.

The last one we have for October for wifey is William Jonah Keith, Sr., 181 years old.  He joined the family in 1840 and is another second great grandfather.

We'll finish up wifey's tree with one for November.  On November 6th Caroline Susan Porcher just 203 years young.  Caroline was born in 1818, in Charlestown, SC the daughter of Dr. Francis Porcher, and is wifey’s second great grandmother.

Going to jump over to my family tree now and in October we have quite a few.

First up Eleanor Adaline Taylor but one of my paternal great grandmothers.  A beautiful young lady at 163 years old.  Eleanor was born 4 October 1858.  She married Samuel W. Campbell on the same date that wifey and I were married.  Just 99 years before us!

Campbell house in Milesburgh, PA
If you look closely, Eleanor and Samuel are sitting in the swing with the granddaughter Adeline between them.  Photo taken by my grandfather, Herbert J. Campbell about 1918 in Milesburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania.

Next up on the 6th we have two.  Johannes Westbrook at 366 years old (1655) and Libni Taylor 251 years old (1770).  Both of these gentlemen are also on my paternal side.  Libini is a fourth great grandfather, and a great grandfather to Eleanor, pictured above.  Johannes is a seventh great grandfather.

Now were gonna jump to the 15th of October and Maritje ten Eyck born 15 October 1682 which makes this seventh great grandmother only 339 years young.

Finally on October 31st we have a possible 10th great grandfather, Claes Nicholas Janszen de Witt.  I say a possible ancestor since he was born in 1589 in either East Frisland, or Amsterdam, and before the time when surnames were in common use, especially in what we now call the Netherlands, it’s anything but a solid connection.  At 432 years old he would be the oldest person on October’s list.

I promised you Uncle Frank – born Halloween day 1933, Franklin Talmage Hicks.  I don't remember a whole lot of Uncle Frank as I am the youngest of my family.  My older siblings would tell me stories of how he would hide in crypts in the big cemetery in Columbia SC on cold nights.  He would then jump out at people as they came by in the morning and scared the living daylights out of them.  All I remember of Uncle Frank, sadly was he was an alcoholic, but that does run all through my families.  But when we would go visit all my aunts and uncles, which I had to every time we went up there, just my mother and myself go over to see Uncle Frank, who was usually living with a sister.  Mom would sit there and talk to her sisters while Uncle Frank would take me into his back bedroom and pull out a bottle of four roses whiskey and take a big drag off of it and say don't ever do this kid.  I'd like to say I took his advice to heart but not entirely.

My brother tells me a story which our oldest sister confirmed that Uncle Frank spent ten years in the South Carolina state penitentiary in Columbia SC.  We don't know what he was in for my brother did ask him one time when he visited him in the prison.  All he would tell my brother was that he was covering for our mother and one of the other sisters.  So, if he took a fall for something two of his sisters did, which I don't honestly believe entirely but don't discount it either, it wouldn’t be all that surprising.  He was a good guy.  All my three older siblings tell me great stories about him although we do have conflicting stories of why he was missing fingers on one of his hands.  I believe it was his right hand, but I don't remember, he told me it was fireworks but according to my older brother it was a blasting cap that went off.  It's entirely possible that he lost those fingers doing whatever it was that ended him up in prison.  That I can believe!

Now, let's get on to November for my family, and we're going to jump back to my mom's side.

Henry Flowers Dozier 210 years old, a third great grandfather.  He was born on the 2nd of November in 1811.  Also on the second was Margaret Elizabeth Shuler, a third great grandmother, in 1787 234 years old.  She is on my paternal side.

On November 12th we find the oldest person for this this post.  A tenth great paternal grandfather, Pedro Marton Gonzalez (Gunsallus/Gunsalis/Consolis/ etc…).  From what I’ve been able to locate, he was born 12 November 1546 in Spain.  He would have celebrated his 475th birthday.  On the 16th of November 1694 his great great grandson, my sixth great grandfather, Manuel Gonsalus, Jr. was born that would be his 327th birthday.  The family had immigrated to the colonies by this time, and Manuel was born in what is now New York.

The last ancestor I have for this post is yet another Gunsalus, Elizabeth 225 years old.  Here’s an interesting fact.  Elizabeth, my third great grandmother, married her first cousin, John Wesley Gunsalus.  Elizabeth’s father, Emanuel Gunsalus and John Wesley’s father, Richard Derrick Gunsalus were brothers.  Elizabeth was born 24 November 1796 in Centre County, Pennsylvania. 

I will close with just one more birthday one that's not normally listed because this person is still living.  Namely me!  My birthday falls on Thanksgiving this year.  Since Thanksgiving is one of those hoildays that does not have a firm date on the calendar my birthday does not always coincide with the holiday, but this year it is so that means I get to be Turkey; and probably have to cook the Turkey as well.  But it's not as bad as my 18th birthday.  My 18th birthday was also a Thanksgiving Day birthday and I was in basic training and I pulling KP (for those that don't know what KP is that's kitchen patrol).  So, on my 18th birthday I was washing dishes cleaning up other people's mess.  Which actually is how I spend most of my birthdays since I've been married – cooking and cleaning.  Hey! there's a lot worse that I could be doing.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it and I'll do my best to get back to a regularly scheduled post come probably January don't count on December I got too many kids hanging around to do a Christmas post. 

I wish a safe and happy Samhain for each and every one!


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