31 May 2021

A Quick Thought on Memorial Day


Flag draped coffin at Arlington National Cemetery

While it's never wrong to thank a veteran for his or her service, that is not what today is for.  Save that for Veteran's Day.  Today we remember the ones who never got to take off the uniform, those that never came home, the ones that paid that ultimate sacrifice. So we do not "celebrate" Memorial Day, we respect what it stands for.  

Now granted I will have my cookout and drink several adult beverages, after all it is an extra day off of work. But in the back of my mind, and hopefully yours too, we will remember our brothers and sisters of all branches of the military and hope that their sacrifice wasn't in vain.  

As an Army retiree and the proud father of a soldier, today weighs heavily on me and my family, I am so very grateful for those that served before me and after me. So lift a glass of whatever beverage you choose, and thank those we can only remember, those who fell on the battlefields the world over.  

And pray that the wars will end, and peace will reign.  Amen.


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