01 May 2021

May Birthdays

It's the 1st of May so therefore it is time for the May birthdays.  As a reminder these are direct descendants only.  No cousins, uncles, aunts, or such as that and no living people are listed for obvious privacy reasons.

First up we have me dear ol’ mum Geneva Mae Hicks and today she would have turned 100 years young.  Mom's middle name on her birth certificate is spelled as the month, MAY, however she always spelled it MAE.

"With love, Neva"

Her birth certificate showing the different spelling of her middle name.

Staying on the maternal side I have two 6th great grandfathers that have birthdays this month.  On the 4th would be Jonathan Samuel Royal who was born in 1746 which would have made him 275 today.  Also, on the 5th of May this month is Henry Burwell Flowers, Sr., he would have been 300 today but he's not the oldest on this list.  Hold on for that.

On my father's side we have one and that would be a 5th great grandmother Elizabeth Randall she birthday was on the 11th and she would have been 296 years young .

On wifey’s side of the tree she only has one birthday in May for direct ancestors and that would be a paternal great grandmother Sarah Verina Butler who would have been 160 on the 25th of this month.

As far as unverified I have two this month.  The first is from my father’s side, Thomas Brenton.  He would be the oldest person on this month's list a possible 10th great Gran father born 31 May 1562 a whopping 459 years ago.

The last one I have would be another unverified relation, but this is on my mom's side a fifth great grandfather William McElveen the 10th of May 1757 and that would make him 264.  While he is listed as unverified right now I have a better lead on this gentleman than quite a few others that I have listed as unverified throughout all of my trees.


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